Monday, March 24, 2014

Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Pur Couture Lipstick #52 Rosy Coral

I bought this YSL Rouge Pur Couture #52 Rosy Coral finally (Jeon Ji Hyun wears this lipstick playing the role of fierce actress Cheong Song Yi in the Korean drama “My Love From Another Star). It was sold out at every local store and online store. I called my 5 local stores but they all sold it out. They put me on the waiting list but I can't wait for 2 more weeks. Then I was lucky to get it at the sixth store I called. (YSL Lipsticks Swatches #8,  #52 and YSL Glossy Stain #105)

YSL lipstick is the best. Its color is long-Lasting and colorful. After 6 hours the color still won't budge. Its texture is kind of dry. I apply the lip moisturizer first and then apply it. 

I put YSL gloss volupte 203 corail gandoura on top of the YSL 52 lipstick.


Diana Maria Zavoianu said...

perdona pero cuanto te ha costado? pork yo tambien me lo quiero comprar, gracias:)

salegous said...

Diana, it costs me Canadian Dollar 44.07.